About Us
After 10 years in the financial services industry, it became increasingly obvious to me how underserved most clients of financial services firms were, particularly those of the largest firms, relative to their needs. It appeared most firms were simply in existence to sell expensive investments and other products with some generally poor or inadequate advice thrown in for free. Almost always absent was any thoughtful, purposeful planning. It was time to do something different.
When I launched NewAge Advisors in an effort to combat mediocrity, I realized it would be impossible to advise and service every type of client. As such, I began focusing on federal employees and successful business owners like you. This is because both federal employees, especially those with special provisions or military service, and successful business owners require a level of comprehensive planning that incorporates very specific, customized solutions that are simply outside the purview of many firms and their people.
My commitment has always been to help clients achieve more security, more confidence, and better outcomes so they can free themselves from struggling to comprehensively plan on their own. We are living in a new age. Continually changing demographics, technology, automation, regulations, among other things, have tasked prudent investors like you with finding new ways to grow and protect your resources. Importantly, you may also be confronting a new age of your own. You may be planning for retirement, starting a new project or business, securing your family’s future, or something else. To me, it matters that you are prepared financially for what lies ahead. That’s why my firm exists.
I’ve designed my practice to lead in this new age. Utilizing the latest technology and implementing best practices, I’ve avoided the traditionally high costs, pricey transactions, and merely average financial planning often associated with high glamor practices. I have assembled a team of experts who work with me on a highly efficient and substantially lower cost basis. This allows me to combine my expertise with the most highly trained and experienced professionals available to deliver outstanding results while passing significant savings on to you. Together, we are all partners in the pursuit of financial planning excellence.

Gary Wedge, CFP®
Registered Investment Adviser

Katelyn B.
Administrative Assistant